This section addresses common questions from service providers. These are compiled for your easy reference and pertaining to various services. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact our Customer Service Representative for assistance.
You may update the details or rectify any incorrect information via MERTS by following the steps below:
Login to MERTS
Click on the user icon on the top right corner and click on “Profile”
Add / edit the information you wish to change / update and replace with the new information
Upload the relevant / supporting documents (where necessary) and click on “Save”
If you come across any errors during the amendment process, please send an email to for further assistance.
If you are planning to move to a new location (or have already moved), you may send an official letter informing this matter to with the below details:
The respective department will review your email request and assist you with the next course of action. Updates regarding the status of your request will be communicated via email.
If the registered doctor / licence holder is no longer working at the clinic OR do not want to serve as a FOMEMA panel anymore, please follow the steps below:
The registered doctor or licence holder is required to email an official letter informing FOMEMA to
Do note that it is highly advisable to notify us two (2) weeks prior to resignation or withdrawal to avoid any delay in the transmission of foreign workers’ results to FOMEMA
If there is a new replacement doctor or licence holder at the said premise, the new replacement doctor or the management of the clinic may sign up as a new panel here
This sign-up requires a screening process and the status of an application will be updated and replied to accordingly via email. If there is an error encountered during the sign-up process, please email to for further assistance
Following directives from the Ministry of Health (MOH), each panel clinic will be assigned an annual quota of 500 foreign workers. This quota will be distributed every quarter of the year. The breakdown of the quota is as per below:
1 January: 125 foreign workers
1 April: 125 foreign workers
1 July: 125 foreign workers
1 October: 125 foreign workers
Total: 500 foreign workers
Please be informed that only registered employers with justifiable reasons are allowed to request for additional quota; subject to approval by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The steps for this request are as below:
Employers may fill up the request form to increase in the preferred clinic’s annual quota
Once the form is completed, please email it to
FOMEMA will process your request and reply to your email once the approval has been obtained by the Ministry of Health Malaysia
Should you face any payment issues such as delays in receiving payments, you may follow the steps below:
The person in-charge may send an official letter regarding this matter, signed by the doctor, including the details listed below, to
Your email will be forwarded to the respective department.
The respective department will cross-check with the relevant bank before replying to you.
To change the bank account details for FOMEMA payments from a personal account to the company’s account, please follow these steps:
Login to MERTS
Click on Bulletin
Find “Change Bank Account”
(Shortcut tip: Press CTRL + F and type in “Change Bank Account”)
Download the below three (3) documents from the MERTS:
Email the following documents to