
Whether you are an employer or an agency, the FOMEMA Online Portal offers a convenient way to manage all your needs. From registering workers, amending information, checking medical examination results, making payments to purchasing insurance, you can do them all online.
Here are some helpful tips and guidelines to assist you in navigating the FOMEMA Online Portal.

Click here to download the full User Manual to help you navigate through the portal.

If you have forgotten your employer or agency code, you may click to trace your code and registered email address.

Alternatively, you may also reach us via WhatsApp or Live Chat to retrieve your employer or agency code or email address.

Follow the steps below to update Employer and Agency details.

For Critical Information
For critical information such as employer name, employer type and email address, please email the documents listed below to

Employer is highly advised to cross the top of your personal document with “For FOMEMA use only” to protect your personal data.

Individual Employer
1. An official letter to update employer’s information. The letter should indicate new information to be updated, your employer code, contact number and your employer’s signature.
2. Copy of employer’s NRIC
3. Copy of work permit / Slip Maid Online / Slip RTK / Slip calling VISA
4. Worker’s passport – for one worker only

Company Employer
1. An official letter to update employer’s information. The letter should indicate new information to be updated, your employer code, contact number and your employer’s signature.
2. Copy of SSM Form 9 (Company)
3. Foreign worker’s permit/calling VISA/approval slip from Immigration – for one worker only
4. Worker’s passport – for one worker only

1. An official letter to update agency’s information. The letter should indicate new information to be updated, your agency code, contact number and agency’s signature.

Note: The process will take up to three (3) working days.

For Non-Critical Information

Step 1: Click on the user icon, on the top right-hand corner, and click “Profile”.

Step 2: Amend the info then click “Save” button.

Step 3: This step is required to upload documents on the FOMEMA Online Portal.


Please upload a copy of your NRIC (if you are Malaysian) or your passport (for non-Malaysian) for verification.

This process will take up to three (3) working days.


Please upload the following documents separately for verification.

1. Your company’s registration documents, such as Form 9 or equivalent.
2. Letter of authorization for contact person to perform worker registrations
3. A copy of the Contact Person’s NRIC who did the foreign worker’s registration.

This process will take up to three (3) working days.

To update foreign worker details or rectify any incorrect information, please follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Please login to the FOMEMA Online Portal.

Step 2:
Go to “Register Worker” and click “Edit”.

Step 3:
Edit the old information and replace with new information and then select “Amendment Reason”.

Step 4:
Upload document and click “Save”.

If you come across any error during the online amendment process, please email the documents listed below to

  1. Download and fill in the Amendment Form
  2. A copy of foreign worker’s passport (old & new)
  3. A copy of foreign worker’s current work permit
  4. Screenshot of online amendment error message

You will receive an email notification to your registered email address within three (3) working days once your request has been approved or rejected.

Employers and Agencies can check the foreign worker’s medical examination results by following these steps.

Step 1
Login to the FOMEMA Online Portal.

Step 2
Click on the “Medical Result” tab.

Step 3
Under “Search Type”, select Worker Code or Passport Number and key in the details accordingly.

Step 4
Once you click “Search”, the details of the foreign worker will appear. You may search for up to 10 workers at a time. The details will appear as below.

If you encounter an error message indicating there are duplicate records found and requesting for you to upload a copy of the passport AND calling visa/immigration approval/work permit, this error occurred because the foreign worker is already listed in your worker list or was previously registered using another employer code.

To resolve this, follow the instructions to upload copies of the passport and calling visa/immigration approval/work permit, and click on “Change Employer”.

You will receive an email notification once your request has been approved or rejected within three (3) working days. You can also check the status periodically under: Others > Change Employer > Status

Payment for Online Registration

You may perform payment for online registration by following the steps below.

Step 1
Select the payment method from the dropdown menu.

Step 2
Select the foreign worker name you wish to make payment for.

Foreign Worker Registration Fee

Effective December 2023, foreign workers in Malaysia must undergo an annual medical examination test as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Employers are urged to register their foreign workers for the FOMEMA medical examination test within 72 hours of their arrival in Malaysia. This timely registration acts as a preventive safety measure to ensure that health and safety protocols are promptly initiated, safeguarding both the workers and the local population.

The fee for foreign workers is:
• Male – RM207
• Female – RM217

Note: The registration fee for female workers will include the cost of additional tests, such as a pregnancy test, which is a specific requirement for female foreign workers during the examination.

Refund Policy

You may request a refund if there is no need to conduct the medical examination after registering your worker. However, we will deduct RM27 from the registration fee to cover the administrative and processing costs associated with handling refund requests for FOMEMA services.

Please note that refunds are not allowed after medical examinations tests have been carried out or after the registration form’s expiry date. The refund process will take place within 14 days from the date the request has been submitted.

Agency Fee

Agencies are required to pay the registration and registration renewal fees as detailed below:

  • New registration: RM300
  • Registration renewal (once every two (2) years): RM100

Note: Agency will not have the access to the portal if the agency fee is yet to be made.

If you are registering your domestic worker under the Sistem Maid Online (SMO), please share the SMO slip that can be obtained via the SMO portal.

Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja (RTK) was an initiative by Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia to help ensure all foreign workers working in Malaysia are registered to work legally. This programme ended on 30 June 2024.

More information on the programme can be found here –

Employers and Agencies can check the foreign worker’s appeal status by following the steps below.

Step 1
Login to the FOMEMA Online Portal.

Step 2
Click on the “Appeals” tab.

Step 3
Fill in your search criteria and click on “Search”.

The status of appeal and its indication may be referred to as per table below.

Appeal submittedApplication for appeal has been registered and the officer of the case is reviewing the case.
Additional TestCase already reviewed by the officer in-charge and for additional tests to be carried out.
Document CompleteAll forms/results have been received and case will be submitted for the next Appeal Committee hearing (weekly basis)
Awaiting ApprovalThe case is being reviewed by Appeal Committee.
Closed appealThe case has been closed either as successful or unsuccessful*. Kindly proceed to Immigration Department for further action.

To print the appeal decision letter, please click “Decision Letter” button.

*Reasons for unsuccessful appeal:
  1. Additional test results are abnormal.
  2. Documents for appeal process not complete.